Prix Filaf d’Or 2013

Perpignan, France

Le Filaf d’Or was given this year to the book Gustav Klimt, Tout l’œuvre peint, by Tobias G. Natter, published by Taschen in four languages, , featuring a complete photographic work of the Stoclet Frieze in Bruxelles commissioned exclusively for this book to Luciano Romano.  Filaf, the main international festival dedicated to art books and films, awarded a series of prizes to selected participants, during a ceremony held in Perpignan, Fance on 29 June 2013. This year’s jury consisted of Jean-Paul Boucheny, director and producer;  Jennifer Flay, director of FIAC; Line Ouellet, director of the National Museum of Art in Québec; Éric de Chassey, director of the Académie de France in Rome and Laurent Le Bon, director of the Centre Pompidou-Metz

Il Premio Filaf d’Or  è stato assegnato quest’anno al volume Gustav Klimt, Tout l’œuvre peint, di Tobias G. Natter, pubblicato da Taschen in quattro lingue, che presenta una grande e inedita campagna fotografica del Fregio Stoclet a Bruxelles commissionata in esclusiva per questo volume a Luciano Romano. La Giuria del Prix Filaf, il principale festival internazionale dedicato al libro  e al film d’arte era composta da: Jean-Paul Boucheny, regista e produttore; Jennifer Flay, direttrice della FIAC; Line Ouellet, direttrice del National Museum of Art, Québec; Éric de Chassey, direttore dell’ Accademia di Francia a Roma e Laurent Le Bon, direttore del Centre Pompidou-Metz

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